NASWUG Jun, Aug & Oct 2009 Meeting Notes

Sorry folks about the long delay on the last three meeting notes … but I do have some good reasons. My wife and I were in Australia for our youngest daughter’s wedding when Gary Hall held the June 10th NASWUG-RSA meeting. We then hosted guests from Australia through July 4th weekend. At the June 10th meeting there were 13 in attendance and there were no special presentations just basic Q&A meeting. That being the middle of summer a lot of folks were probably on vacation. Then a power saw incident had my typing ability significantly reduced while a finger healed. I was very lucky to say the least in that I did not lose any digits and the finger is healing very nicely although still sensitive to being bumped.
The August 27th NASWUG meeting was held at our usual location at Dynetics HQ We had about 40 people in attendance (misplaced the attendance) and Mike Puckett was our guest presenter. Ricky Jordan announced the October meeting would be an in-house presentation on What’s New 2010, mentioning that there are over 200 enhancements in SW2010. The CSWP exam covers the basic core modeling specialist. Also available are the Advanced Sheet Metal module, Advance Surfacing module and FEA (simulation). Mike Puckett heads up the SolidWorks certification activities. The online certification testing requires any version of SolidWorks 2008, SP3 or later. Mike Puckett mentioned the online CSWP exam and any SWUGN User Group member in attendance would be eligible for a FREE code to take the test. Now the fun stuff. Mike’s presentation, titled Tips & Tricks (Mish-Mash), was very interesting and as always educational. A big thanks to Mike for sharing his knowledge with us.
This brings us up to the last meeting, NASWUG-RSA on October 1st at the RSA Bowling Alley meeting room. With about 25 in attendance (this attendance list must have taken off with the previous one as well), Gary Hall conducted a general Q&A and demo session. Some of the more interesting points covered were use of fillet expert, use of pattern of points to equally divide a curve and then use of a hole table to extract the coordinate points. The ModernTech Mechanical What’s New in SolidWorks 2010 rollout will be in Huntsville on Oct. 20th from 8-12. All active subscribers should have an email on this but if not you can get the details from the their website. Ricky Jordan then presented a mini What’s New 2010 touching on the highlights of what to expect. The main areas to expect include, mouse gestures, reference planes, multi-body sheet metal, multi-body materials assignment, diplay states in parts and drawings, assembly visualization, drawings dimensioning, mirror components, virtual componenets and display states in parts. Ricky mentioned there had been a delay in the CSWP exam codes for last months and this months attendees but he would follow up with an email to everyone soon. As of this writing everyone eligible should have received an email from Ricky to which a response is required to get the codes. Everyone agreed that the meeting room location at the bowling alley worked out very well.

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