The May 2008 Meeting is tonight! This will be a meeting you don’t want to miss. Along with our previously announced presentation we will hold Officer Elections. Each position requires a self nomination. If more than one person runs for a position the winner will be determined through online voting. Below is a summary of the four positions along with a brief description.
Responsible for scheduling, coordinating, and running User Group meetings. Responsible for group website and any related user forums. Maintains user contact database. (President’s note – I have and continue to enjoy serving as your User Group President. I am more than happy to continue in this role and will be running for the position again. I believe in open elections for ALL positions which includes this one.)
Vice President
Assist President in planning, coordinating, and running User Group events. Responsible for running User Group meetings in the event the President is unable to attend. Represents NASWUG if needed in local SolidWorks related events.
First Secretary
Primary responsibility is to take meeting minutes for all NASWUG meetings. Assist in greeting new members to the group at meetings.
Second Secretary
Assists First Secretary in taking meeting minutes and serves as backup in the event the First Secretary cannot attend the meeting. Also greets new members to the group at meetings.
NASWUG Advisory Board
Consists of the four NASWUG officers plus two volunteers. Meets once every two months to discuss meeting topics and ways to improve the User Group. We will take names of members interested in this position. Final selection of the two volunteers will fall to the NASWUG officers. One of the first topics of the Advisory Board will be getting more educational institutions involved in the User Group.